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主頁: Intro
Service Spotlight

The Neighborhood Advice-Action Council is honored to have the support of Hundredoc Limited to produce a film called "The Manors", which is performed by persons with disabilities from our organization.

For details:

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山莊日記 (290 x 225 像素).png

Charity lunch for Parents in Our Neighbourhood 2024



主頁: Event

About NAAC

The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC) was founded in 1968. Being a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), we strive to serve the underprivileged groups in the society, offering them the most appropriate services enhancing sense of competence for individual or family; bridging social resources to promote a caring community. Our targets include infant & child, adolescent & youth, elderly, disabled and low-income family. We also provide education, health care, social enterprise and mainland services. The NAAC currently operates 81 service units throughout the territory. We served more than 2.33 million person-times last year

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Contact Us

Head Office

13/F, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong

PHONE :(852) 2527 4567

FAX :(852)2528 6552

主頁: Contact
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